Doctors at Westlands, 26/24 Ekblom Street, Whyalla Norrie

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Doctors at Westlands is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Health  


+61 8 8644 2944

26/24 Ekblom Street, Whyalla Norrie, South Australia 5608

Establishment   Health  

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  • Ellen Bailey
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    If you want to wait over an hour EVERY time you book an appointment then this is the doctor surgery for you. Dr Chunkathil treats his patients with the upmost respect, especially patients receiving pallative care. He quotes 'I never make my patients receiving pallative care wait longer than 10 minutes'. We continue to wait over an hour. If you are terminally ill, he will recommend you accept this fact and get on with arranging your will. It isn't his problem. Oh and if it's really that bad he will direct you to the hospital, because he is just a doctor after all. It's also great when the hospital doesn't house enough medication to treat the patients sent by Dr Chunkathil. If only it wasn't illegal to record conversations within the health care system. I wonder what the system is so worried about if they are giving us first world 'health care'. Thank you to the lovely receptionists, nurses and doctors who manage to put a smile on my mothers face when she is so ill. I am utterly disgusted with Dr Chunkathil and the way he treats his vunerable patients. This surgery is run like a business and it is clear to average Joe. When all patients are sitting in the waiting room for an hour, all booked in for the same time, it seems like a dirty business technique. Accept too many customers, get them in the door then make them wait because once bums are on seats they will probably wait. It sounds like backing sick people in to a corner. Disgusting. The interests of patients are NOT priority.
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Doctors at Westlands is based in Whyalla Norrie. Full address is 26/24 Ekblom Street. Australia postal code is 5608. We invite you to visit the official website of Doctors at Westlands . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 8 8644 2944 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Doctors at Westlands.
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Weather in Whyalla Norrie, South Australia

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